What is a Dental Emergency?


Emergencies are cases where a patient needs to be seen as soon as possible to minimise the risk of developing serious medical issues or to prevent long-term dental complications. These can include severe bleeding, trauma (accidental damage or injury), and rapid swelling.

During office hours: immediately contact the dental surgery where you are registered.

Outside office hours: immediately call NHS 24 on 111 and/or go to the Gilbert Bain Hospital Accident and Emergency department in Lerwick.

Not registered in Shetland? See FAQs

Urgent Matters

Urgent matters are cases where a patient is suffering from severe pain that isn’t responding to over-the-counter painkillers. These can include signs of infection (such as sudden sensitivity to sweet things or hot or cold drinks) or a badly broken tooth.

During office hours: contact the dental surgery where you are registered as soon as possible.

Outside office hours: call NHS 24 on 111 as soon as possible.

Priority Matters

Priority Matters are cases where a patient is suffering from pain that can be reduced to an acceptable level by over-the-counter painkillers. These can also include an infection and a broken tooth.

During office hours: contact the dental surgery where you are registered as soon as possible.
Outside office hours: call NHS 24 on 111 as soon as possible.

Low Priority Matters

Low Priority Matters are cases where a patient has a dental issue that requires attention but is causing little or no pain. These can include a chipped tooth and a lost filling or crown. Having these seen by a clinician reasonably soon is important as it prevents worse problems from developing in the future; however, there is no immediate risk to the patient.
Contact the dental surgery where you are registered during office hours.


If you have worries and concerns about any dental issue contact the surgery you are registered with, or alternatively, call NHS 24 on 111. You’ll get friendly, helpful advice and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

How do I contact a dentist in Shetland?
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)