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Shetland Health Board Endowment Fund
Information about the Shetland Health Board Endowment Fund

Investing in the future
Find information about the development of a Programme Initial Agreement for NHS Shetland regarding the future delivery of our services and how you can get involved.

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Leave feedback about your care on the independent Care Opinion website
Latest news
Further statement on dental provision
NHS Shetland is continuing to support Lerwick Dental Practice as it works towards achieving its practice certificate, which will enable new NHS dentists to be listed at the practice.
Vaccination drop in clinic dates and timings
If you are eligible for flu or COVID-19 vaccine and you haven't had an appointment yet you can attend one of the following walk-in clinics at Grantfield Vaccination Centre.
Update on survey work and maintenance at the Gilbert Bain Hospital
We are still assessing and understanding the findings of several surveys as part of the detailed investigation into the condition of the Gilbert Bain Hospital and estate.