To find the Audiology Department, please enter through the Main Hospital Reception doors and turn left. Follow the corridor down until you see a sign that says 'Audiology Waiting Area'. Please enter the waiting room, take a seat and wait to be called for your appointment.

Audiology Services

  • Hearing Assessments
    If you feel that you need a hearing test and are a new patient please see your GP for a referral to our service. Existing patients already registered with our department do not need a new referral to be seen.
  • Hearing Aid Provision
    We are able to provide a full range of NHS hearing aids fitted specifically to your hearing assessment results and needs. We are also able to provide Bone Anchored Hearing Aid assessments, fittings and aftercare.
  • Reassessment of Your Hearing
    Hearing reassessments are offered after three years. You do not need to see your GP for a new referral if you are an existing NHS Shetland patient. If you request a hearing test sooner than three years you will be offered a review appointment first to discuss your issues with the Audiologist, who will make the decision if you require a test sooner than three years.
  • ENT Support
    We have two visiting ENT Consultants from NHS Grampian who visit every other month for approximately three days. The Audiology department provide diagnostic hearing assessments for all ENT patients who may require this.
  • Paediatric Hearing Assessments
    We are able to test children from the age of three years and upwards at the department. Occasionally if more specialist tests or two-person testing is required the child will be referred to be seen at Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital in Aberdeen.
  • Domiciliary Visits
    If you are unable to attend hospital we are able to arrange to see you at home for your hearing assessment and treatment. Please contact us to discuss this further if you feel that you may need a home visit.
  • Tinnitus Assessments
    We are able to provide a Tinnitus Assessment to help with the support and management of your Tinnitus through a range of different techniques and strategies.
    It is important to understand that Tinnitus is not a disease or illness. Tinnitus is very common with approximately 30% of the population experiencing Tinnitus to some extent throughout their life. A small percentage of people suffer with severe Tinnitus and struggle to manage this. Tinnitus is the perception of noises in the head and/or ear which have no external source. It can be perceived as a hissing, whistling or any other noise. Tinnitus may be present constantly or intermittently and may be heard in both ears, one ear or in your head. It can vary in volume and may be low, medium or high pitch.
    For further support and information the British Tinnitus Association ( has lots of very useful information.