NHS Shetland Maternity Unit

The Maternity Unit are the first point of contact for women with positive pregnancy test. We provide antenatal clinics in the hospital and at local health centres.

Additional antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care is provided in the maternity department and at home.

We also offer hypnobirthing, acupuncture, parenthood, aquanatal and weight maintenance sessions. 3 midwives have had additional training in fertility services.

Attending and Appointment
There is no waiting area available in Maternity. When you arrive at the hospital please phone Maternity to let us know you have arrived. If you the person you have come to see is free you will be invited to make your way to the appropriate location. If your appointment is for a scan, this will be in the maternity unit. Our triage appointments are also in maternity. However if your appointment is for a routine antenatal check, this will be in the Outpatient Department and you can make your way straight there, reporting to reception.

Information on termination of pregnancy and available support services

If you think you need a termination or would like some more information about this then please phone: 07500102455 and leave a message. A member of staff will call you back when available.

If you require treatment or advice urgently, then you are also welcome to call the Maternity Department on: 01595743012 and ask to speak to a member of staff from the termination of pregnancy service.

We work closely with colleagues at NHS Grampian to deliver this service and so you may also find the information on their website to be useful.

Your information will be treated confidentially, therefore please contact us if you need more information or support.