Mental Health Support

Mental Health

In addition to your GP practice, mental health and wellbeing services are available to provide free support for a range of conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression and feelings of panic. They also provide help for people of all ages who are experiencing distress and are in need of an immediate response.

Accessing mental health services

NHS Shetland's mental health professionals are responsible for five areas of service provision. All of these services are accessed via a GP. The aim of the department is to ensure that people are seen by the most appropriate clinician as quickly as possible. These services include a Community Psychiatric Service, a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Annesbrae House Supported Accommodation and Mental Health Community Support Service, a Psychological Therapies Service, a Substance Misuse Service and a Memory Assessment Service.

Along with local clinicians these services are supported by visiting consultants and videolink clinics.

If you are struggling with your mental health or need emotional support, crisis contacts include:

Organisation Information Contact details
Your GP Use askmyGP or call your local health centre
NHS24 Available to provide urgent care, advice and mental health support 24 hours a day


Community Mental Health Team The locally based community mental health team 01595 743006
Samaritans A voluntary organisation that offers support to anyone in distress 116 123 (freephone)
Breathing Space Offering a free, confidential phone service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety 0800 838587